Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Intro: Social Commentaries

“Social Commentaries,” as defined by Miriam Webster:

Main Entry: So·cial
3: of or relating to human society, the interaction of the individual and the group, or the welfare of human beings as members of society

Main Entry: Com·men·tary
2 a: a systematic series of explanations or interpretations (as of a writing)

This blog, appropriately titled, “Social Commentaries,” is an endeavor of mine to continuously keep as a forum of personal expression. As my mind often wanders, it can and most likely will cover topics ranging from international and national politics, economics, social trends, issues of religion, art, literary discussions, fashion, food, liqueur, personal ramblings and much more.

As stated above, this is a forum of personal expression and under no pretences will there be any illusions to un-biasness unless I present them as facts (either inherent to me, or cited off another source).

With that established, I’d like to comment on the heading for the blog and the definition of my user name. “Hic Sunt Leones,” is Latin for, “Here, there are lions.” I titled the headline of the blog in this fashion to declare that my opinions will be brave, original, controversial, and embraced fully by the writer until judgment (for better or for worse) forces me to concede the point.

The username, “Vintage Valour,” alludes to the idea that valour in all sense of the word is lost to the modern age and has become "vintage." Those men of valour that Sir Winston Churchill spoke of during England's trial in World War II are now all but obsolete. It is also serves as a reminder and testament to my belief that one must followed the old principals of serving their God, country, and family (or at least strive to) at all times.

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